Business Culture Series: What you Focus on Expands

Today, I come to you with another great strategy we remind ourselves of everyday at ECT Services.
Working in groups provides its own specific nuances, no matter what your industry your business is in. When you have a team of people, some will see a glass half-full, some will see it half-empty and some may question whether the glass even exists at all. But together, a team needs to work toward the common goal of succeeding for its customers.
What I’ve learned through my experience is that attitude is everything, and that’s essentially what I mean by “what you focus on expands.” Attitude drives behavior and that behavior affects the strategy for accomplishing a task. This is true not just in work but in life, as most business culture-related ideas are.
Basically, no matter if you woke up on the right side of the bed or the wrong side, you can affect how your day will unfold simply by focusing on how you want it to go.
Of course, we all have to be prepared for a Plan B and for things to not go as planned, but if you keep your focus on the big picture, then you’ll be able to let the good parts of the day expand.
Think about it and see if you can start putting this into action. If you can do it, and share with your team, chances are they can do it as well and be successful.
I’d love to know how you’re implementing these business culture ideas into your daily life.